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Is water flosser worth it?

In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards, people have paid more and more attention to oral health, and oral care methods are constantly being upgraded and iterated. Kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes with different effects have been developed. Oral care has also repeated from a single toothbrush with a toothpick to a toothbrush with floss and now a toothbrush with a water flosser. The oral care track has become a new outlet. Is the water flosser that can solve oral health problems worth buying? Let’s take a look.

The principle of water flosser: the tooth cleaning device, tooth cleaning device when in use, the tooth cleaning device mainly uses the impact force of the high-speed water column ejected under a certain pressure; the tooth cleaning device sprays a pulsed water flow and impacts the cleaning between the teeth and the gums plaque and food HYPERLINK Using the impact force generated by a high-speed water column in the form of a pulse jet or carrying multiple bubbles in the jet water flow can also have a similar vibration impact effect to achieve the purpose of cleaning teeth and inter-dental gaps; in addition, some fine particles can add to the water flow of hard and heavy grit or some surfactants that help cleaning ability.

According to the usage scenarios, dental irrigators are mainly divided into the following two categories :

1. Desktop dental irrigator

The desktop dental irrigator uses a direct power supply. It has strong battery life and stable water pressure, and the built-in water tank is enough to complete an oral irrigation task. Still, because it uses a direct power supply, it needs to be in a place with a power outlet. It can be used, and the volume is larger than the portable dental irrigator.

2. Portable dental irrigator

The most significant advantage of the portable irrigator is that it is small in size and easy to carry. The venue does not restrict its use. It can be used anytime, anywhere, and for simple rinsing after each meal. But the disadvantage is that the main design is small and portable, resulting in a small water tank capacity. The water needs to be replenished repeatedly each time it is used; the flushing task cannot be completed at once.

What are the common oral problems now?

The most important part of oral hygiene is brushing your teeth. However, in the usual oral cleaning, due to insufficient brushing time and improper brushing methods, it is easy to leave food residues between the teeth, inside the teeth, and in the periodontal pockets. These food residues will not only make people have bad breath, but also Plaque gradually accumulates in the oral cavity and even develops into periodontitis. If you use a toothpick to clean it, not only will it not be able to remove clean food residues, but it will also make the gap between the teeth more prominent and affect the appearance.

So do we need a water flosser?

From a life perspective:

1. Cleans the residue on the surface of the teeth, keeps the mouth clean, and makes people feel fresh.

2. Cleans the tongue coating and removes bad breath.

3 Efficient cleaning tools for orthodontic people. For those undergoing orthodontic correction or wearing dentures, an irrigator is a powerful tool for the oral cavity.

From a health perspective:

1. Strongly removes food residues and harmful bacteria that accumulate in the gaps between the teeth where the toothbrush and floss cannot reach, effectively preventing tooth decay, gingivitis, calculus, and periodontitis.

2. Massage and stimulate gums, improve blood circulation, relieve toothache and inhibit gum bleeding.

3. Help children develop good oral hygiene habits and prevent early tooth decay.

More than 50 studies have shown that dental irrigators improve periodontal health problems, such as gum disease and bad breath, and assist in deep cleaning artificial crowns, implants, and aligners. A 2008 meta-analysis concluded that dental irrigator are good for gum health. Another two-week clinical trial at Tokyo Dental University showed that a toothbrush combined with an irrigator was better at inhibiting Plaque than a toothbrush alone. Also, using an irrigator improves gum health and helps to clean aligners and artificial teeth.

Philomelcn Water flosser is the best helper for cleaning teeth

The water flosser replaces dental floss and assists in oral cleaning with a toothbrush. Its function is to quickly wash away the food residues in the hidden corners, stifling oral diseases such as dental Plaque and periodontitis in the cradle and significantly reducing the extraction and implantation of teeth caused by conditions such as periodontitis in the later stage. Question. The working principle of the Philomelcn water flosser is similar to the reduced version of the high-pressure water gun. The water pressure of the water flosser is set in the range of 30-100psi, which considers the oral health and cleaning effect. It cannot damage the oral mucosa and gums.

Philomelcn ‘s dental irrigator and other counterparts are that we are global broadband, suitable for all voltages worldwide. Philomelcn ‘s tooth punch motor is a DC motor with high voltage input and low voltage output, the safety voltage of the human body is 36V, and the output voltage of our product is 12V. No harm to human safety. Philomelcn ‘s motors (Fire Bull) are fully glued and waterproof. Most of our peers use laminated motors (super-large magnetic pole motors), which have the advantage of being quiet, but the disadvantage is that the head is large and heavy. High voltage input and high voltage output make people prone to electric shock. Therefore, with the help of a philomelcn water flosser, we can easily wash our teeth anytime, anywhere. Long-term daily use can prevent periodontal disease and save the time and money of going to the hospital to clean our teeth. It is necessary to reserve and use Philomelcn water flosser daily in the family.

Philomelcn, as a professional manufacturer of personal care and beauty equipment, will also bring you a better experience. For more details, please click and look forward to working with you!

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